Monday, September 19, 2011, at Sunset Junction, where Sunset Boulevard meets Santa Monica Boulevard in Silverlake, out east of Hollywood. The street art says it all - lifeless. But as part of the Getty Foundation's Pacific Standard Time initiative, the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art will present "Under the Big Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981" - opening in October. Those were bad times and the idea is "to demonstrate how this collective loss of faith in government...
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Monday, September 19, 2011, at Sunset Junction, where Sunset Boulevard meets Santa Monica Boulevard in Silverlake, out east of Hollywood. The street art says it all - lifeless. But as part of the Getty Foundation's Pacific Standard Time initiative, the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art will present "Under the Big Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981" - opening in October. Those were bad times and the idea is "to demonstrate how this collective loss of faith in government and institutions yielded a spirit of artistic freedom and experimentation that reached its apex in California through the pluralistic art practices that flourished here." Yeah, well, we're there again - lifeless under that big black sun. Some things never change.
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